
The holidays are here!

Greetings everyone!

Jen here. So I know it has been forever, but Mom and I have been so super busy with college (and FINALS!!!) that we haven't had time to post! Here comes the good news, though: we're finally home for Winter Break! So I should find time to post, if not every day, every other day!! You'll be hearing a lot more from me now. :-)

Mom's final grades are almost all posted, and it looks as if she will be getting a term GPA of 3.57! Way to go, Mommy! I'm so proud of you! *wags tail excitedly* [Kara: College is a lot harder than I thought! I feel blessed and extremely lucky to be getting a 3.5 this semester!!!]

Our Christmas shopping is done, the presents are wrapped, and the tree is up and decorated! It's amazing! [Kara: I can't believe how fast time has flown! It is going to be our first Christmas together, Jen and I, and I'm SO excited!!!]

On another note, Mom and I got the email from Mary Beth the other day that my little brother, Jengo, has been released from the CCI program for high prey/chase drive, and distractability, among other things. We're sad, but we know that God has a greater plan in mind for Jengo, and that he'll be happy doing whatever God has in store for him! [Kara: Mary Beth also had her 23rd birthday this month; Jen and I were very excited about that!] We didn't get to go to graduation like we'd hoped, because I got sick, but Mom and Grandma took me to the vet and she made me all better!

Mom and I hope that all of our readers are healthy and happy during this holiday season, and we send you much love and many holiday blessings!!! We love you guys!!!!

That's it for now.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Sarah and Shadow said...

We've missed you two! It's greaet to hear from you again and that you're both doing so well.

Congratulations Kara on the grades!
We're sorry that you were feeling bad Jen, we've just experiensed that not long ago as well. :(

Sarah and Shadow