
Picture time!

Greetings everyone!

Jen here. Mom told me to post some pictures for you all that she's accumulated, and for each picture, I'll write a caption. For some reason, when I write captions underneath the pictures, they don't seem to work. So, I will write the captions up here.

Picture 1: Me and my WONDERFUL PR Mary Beth before Team Training Graduation!
Picture 2: Giving Mary Beth some love so she knows I haven't forgotten her!
Picture 3: Me and my handsome *brother* Jengo after Graduation!
Picture 4: Jengo and I again!
Picture 5: Mom and I celebrating our new partnership on Preliminary Placement Day!
Picture 6: Me before Mom's high school graduation; wearing that darn hat was NO FUN!
Picture 7: I'm *ready to work*, Mom!
Picture 8: Me when I was still in puppy raiser training with Mary Beth!
Picture 9: Getting ready to graduate Team Training!

That's all for now; I hope you guys enjoy the pictures, and I hope that my awesome PR doesn't mind that I borrowed some of her photos! :)

Until next time,


Sarah and Shadow said...

I LOVE those pictures! That hat looks a little like a mac book air! lol! :) I know someone who has that same superchick shirt!

Mary Beth said...

YEAH!!! That's SO COOL! Awesome pictures! Jengo feels pretty special getting to be on your blog too! Thanks for posting! I love 'em all... and you guys even more!!! Keep up the good work!