
It's been a while!!!

Greetings everyone!

Jen here. I know it's been forever since last blog, but Mom and I have been SO BUSY!!! We've got an Education class, a Math class, an English class, a History class, some freshman seminar class, and a wellness class this semester!

Classes are going well, and we've made lots of friends here! We are going to be in the college's newspaper, the Black and Magenta, this week! The food continues to be at least halfway decent, though Mom is WAY lacking in sleep. :-(

Mom says we might go to CCI in November because my little bro Jengo is getting turned in, and we wanna be there for Mary Beth! :-)

Sorry this blog is so short, but Mom and I have to go do field experience at a local elementary school for our Education class now...bummer. :-( [Kara: I NEED A NAP!!!!!!!!!]

That's it for now.

Until next time,


Madison said...

Nice to hear from you guys!

Sarah and Shadow said...

It's good to hear from ya'll again!
I hope kara finds time for more sleep! lol It's good that you two are doing good!